August 8, 2019

4506 and 4506-T Changes

Effective July 1, the IRS stopped its mailing service to third parties via the 4506 and 4506-T.

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August 8, 2019

4506 and 4506-T Changes

Effective July 1, the IRS stopped its mailing service to third parties via the 4506 and 4506-T. With this change, the third party mailing information was removed from the 4506 forms.

However, some tax verification services are still requiring the use of the previous version of the 4506-T released in March 2019. Due to these recent changes initiated by the IRS on the 4506 and 4506-T forms, PPDocs, Inc. has some clients who still want to filter the March 2019 version, while other clients want to use the June 2019 version of the 4506-T. Accordingly, PPDocs, Inc. has made the business decision to provide blank versions of the March 2019 4506 and March and June 2019 4506-T forms to our clients.

These will no longer filter automatically into the closing packages, or be completed with the borrower(s) information. To choose a version of this tax form, the document will need to be marked on the Additional Documents screen in the order form. The document description will include the publication date to indicate the different versions.